Psychological Studies
University of Zürich 1961- 1963 - Institute of Clinical Psychology
(IAP) in Zürich 1981- 1985, Diploma. |
Ore |
Studies in Psychotherapy
1981- 2000 |
Transactional Analisis With Fanita English, R.
and M. Goulding, Ted Novey, Ellen Bader, (all USA)
Anne Kohlhaas, Ingrid Knuth, Rüdiger Rogol, Gisela Kothwitz,
L. Schlegel
Member of the Society for TA
450 |
Gestalt Therapy: E. and M.Polster,
Seymour Carter (USA) |
100 |
Rogers: B. Rutishauser, Urs Wittmer, K. Wiederkehr
60 |
Kathatym Imaginative Psychotherapy: Leuner, Gerber,
Salvisberg, Erlanger, Pahl |
280 |
Certified therapist and member of the KIP society
Hypnosis and NLP: Carol Erickson, S. Feinberg, A. Walcheck, M.Lehrer,
D. Ross, B. Stehen, B. Stoy (all USA), Theres Miller, Werner Mainhold
340 |
Behaviourism: Heidi Grothloh
40 |
Transpersonal Psychology: Fritjof Capra, Stan Grof
(Holotropic Breathing)
180 |
Psychosintesis: Harry Sloan USA
180 |
Process Oriented Psychology: Arny and Amy Mindell,
B. Croci, Max Schüppbach,
Felter, Hohler. Diplomate candidate and she was member of the
POP society |
380 |
Couple and Family
Therapy: E. Bader, Fisch, Polke (MRPI Institute USA)
50 |
Process Acupressure with Aminah Raheem. Certified
therapist and teacher;
Vivienne has been teaching PA for 15 years in Switzerland,
Austria, Italy, Ecuador |
600 |
Bodywork: |
Jin Shin Do Acupressure: Iona Teeguarden, A. Raheem,
C. Nance (all USA)
Monika Lehnherr. Certifed therapist and teacher and teacher JSD
for the last 15 years in Switzerland, Austria, Italy and Ecuador
390 |
Massage in Esalen, USA. She teaches couple’s
180 |
Shiatsu: Ohashi
90 |
Zero Balancing: Fritz Smith USA, Certifed therapist
260 |
Regenesis: Rasmussen USA
120 |
Feldenkrais: N. Dwelle, H, Goslins USA
40 |
Foot Reflexology
25 |
Reiki (Reiki Master and teacher)
60 |
Internship: Jung Psychiatric Hospital
Zürich (3 months), Crisis Intervention phone 4 months
Psychotherpeutical Practice since 1985 |
Studies in Catholic Theology 1960-1964
È autrice
di: |
- La
Magia della guarigione raccontata dalle 5 dita
(tr. ted.: Heilendes Spiel mit den Finger; tr. spagn.
El juego curativo con los dedos)
Rinascere dal Cuore
(tr. ted.: Heilendes Atmen und Visualisieren; tr. spagn.
Respiración Curativa y visualización)
- Reiki
und Visualisiere
(tr. spagn.: Reiki y visualización;
tr. ital. Reiki e Visualizzazione, in preparazione
- Einführung
in die PKE
(tr. spagn.: Introducciòn a la TEP; tr. ital.:
Introduzione alla Tep, in preparazione)